Affordable Care Act Arkansas by EHG

Affordable care act Arkansas by EHG

Affordable Care Act Arkansas by EHG  will push billions of dollars into state economies through the expansion of Medicaid and the creation of health insurance “exchanges” with subsidies. As one of the poorest states, Arkansas is expected to benefit disproportionately from these changes.

Our model projects that by 2016, 400,000 people in Arkansas will gain access to health insurance through the exchanges and another 350,000 will enroll in expanded Medicaid. The increase in coverage will reduce mortality rates and shift costs for uncompensated care from the federal government to the state. We also estimate that the influx of federal funds will lead to an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) for the state.

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This is because every dollar spent on health insurance will be repaid through increased productivity. Additionally, the inflow of federal money will result in more jobs and income for Arkansans.

We also modeled the impact of the ACA’s various taxes and fees, including the individual mandate, employer mandate, health insurance premium tax, and Medicare spending cuts. The Medicare cuts are scaled using CBO’s projections of the state share of the national Medicare budget.

The ACA has reduced the number of uninsured Americans and the overall cost of healthcare, but some in Congress are working to repeal or replace it. We urge the state’s elected officials to stand up for its citizens and oppose efforts to undo this progress. The vast majority of Arkansasans support the remaining provisions of the ACA and want to see them remain in place.

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